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Review: How to Launch a Radio Platfform In One And Half Hour

So it’s official. My second week in Cardiff has started, and what a fancy start it was.

"It’s not far, just 45-minutes walking" I [forced] convinced my friends. So off we went, got lost a bit and made it to Millennium Centre in 55 minutes. Pretty good I would say, as our little helper Google Maps was only used once on the tricky crossroad.

"You have reached your destination,“ a voice said in my head, spotting the green lights of the centre. Ground floor. People running around either with cameras or drinks in their hands. A stage. Screens. Microphones. Something was definitely going to happen.

Radio Platfform has a bright logo – neon yellow on a black background. That is why it was really easy to spot all the stars of the night, wearing their own themed T-shirts. Yes, it was a launching of a new radio station!

The night started with checking out the heart of the Radio Platfform – a brand new studio and hub for young people. Yes, Radio Platfform is a youth-led radio station and training programme which helps participants to build their confidence, express opinions, develop broadcasting skills and even make their own shows. This is what was going to happen here in the centre as well – you could feel it in the airwaves. First show going live from the new studio! But hey, be patient… The night had some more surprises to come!

Followed by the performances by young musicians we walked back to the hall where the stage was taken over by Molly, a hostess of the night. She is a young and absolutely talented girl whose energy dictated the whole evening. One after another she invited to the stage: young mimes (who remained to be annoying but absolutely funny for the whole night, causing giggles among the audience), poets and singers.

The voice was given to Cerys Davage, Ryan Williams, Dominika Rau, Asha Jane, Sarah McCreedia and The Kelly Line. So, many of these talents have just completed the first training run by Radio Platfform, and it was wonderful to see them on the stage full of courage. Young poets got a chance to perform their own creation for the very first time on the stage. And they all did well – which is a strong proof that the training programme works well.

An then the time stopped.

“Whose that?!” I heard a couple of old ladies, rushing closer from the other part of the hall. Well, good move, ladies - after some time you probably need to pay a fortune to hear Asha Jane singing. Absolutely stunning voice filled the whole Millennium Centre and nailed the audience to the floor, to stand still, to barely breath. Even the guys in charge to make sure the launch will be successful stopped for minutes, bunch of wires in one hand and microphones in other.

According to what I saw that night I strongly recommend to take part of this radio training programme – if you are 14-24-year old. If not then check out their Facebook page for the latest news:

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