We asked young writers to respond to a set of photographs by Joe Murray, and over the next few weeks we'll be publishing our favourite poems alongside the image(s) they chose.
Look beyond the readable
the understandable;
feel the taste of iron on your fingertips,
blink into the glow, the
of the colours in your mind-
Be the highlighted, lids shut,
lips open, sunlight.
The frame of the world is one beyond
the cries of family,
loves, gone and still,
lullabies of filling fools,
you’re none of this, and yet-
beyond the gulf, the static people
move on,
shift your gaze to the top window.
What’s that there? It’s you, in all-
It’s you.
The droplets please the drooping
gaze; the tension rises-
then falls,
It’s you.